I am so not ready

I start training officially for my 2nd marathon in 9 days and I'm nervous. My first marathon did not go well. Yes I finished but I did it in 7 hours. The issue with that is that I didn't actually train to be on my feet for that long, so the pain afterwards was something I had never experienced before. I couldn't walk properly for at least a month.
This next marathon has a book signing the weekend after, so if you're coming to Midnight In The Queen City and see me hobbling around, I promise I'm fine. But if you feel like bringing me some sort of electrolyte beverage, I will not complain either.
I'm hoping this second time around, goes better but it's hard to know once you're in the thick of things. I'm sure I'll be nervous no matter how many marathons I do. I'm not fast. At all. But I'm working on it and I'm especially working on building endurance because I'd love to do an ultra marathon one day.
Now back to books: I have so many ideas planned but first, I'm going to finish this coffee series and dark romance. I hope you're excited because I know I sure am but just like most books and releases, I'm nervous. I'm always nervous when it comes to this.
Anyway, if you're reading this, thank you! Please feel free to drop me a comment. I'm working on my newsletter and trying to find a provider that's more handy for me. So for now, I think I'll stick with posting random blog posts. So here's me, being random at best.
Happy Wednesday!